How to Join


Who can join Boy Scouts?  ==> Boy Scouting is available to boys who have earned the Arrow of Light Award and are at least 10 years old or have completed the fifth grade and are at least 10, or who are 11, but not yet 18 years old.


Are you interested in joining Troop 155?  ==> If the answer is yes, then listed below are some ways to find out more about us.
1. Visit a Troop Meeting – come to any of our weekly troop meetings to find out more information.  This will give you an opportunity to see the difference between Cub Scout and Boy Scout meetings.  We meet on Wednesday nights at the West Freehold School Cafeteria from 7:30pm to 9:00pm
2. Attend the Annual Webelos/Boy Scout Camporee – Each September, Troop 155 holds a campout for Webelos Scouts and their parents. At this campout, the Webelo scout and his parents have an opportunity to see what Boy Scouts is all about. The Boy Scouts from Troop 155 will work with the Webelo on setting up a tent, basic First Aid skills, knot tying, fire building, cooking and games. In the evening we will have a campfire full of songs, skits, and desserts.
3. Contact our Scoutmaster – send an email to our Scoutmaster, Kevin Sweetnam, with any questions you may have about Scouting.
4. Complete an Application – you’ll need to complete the official BSA application, have it signed by your parent, and pay the Troop’s annual dues.